It’s Never About the Musician.


For Ben Howard’s listeners, his music speaks to the soul. Fueled by vivid storytelling, his lyrics captures our brightest and darkest moments in life.

He writes about the journey we go through, expressing our shared experiences of freedom, isolation, and fear. In striking contrast to his personality, his music is heartfelt and vulnerable, much like we’re reading from his journal.


We ground the future of his brand with its origins, drawing inspiration from his symbolic lyrics, his history as a surfer, and his attitude as a musician.


Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop
Keynote & Microsoft Office Suite

Throughout the campaign, you’ll find references to his listeners’ favorite songs and visuals inspired by the underlying themes in his albums and public interviews.


Old Pine

I’ve come to know that memories
Were the best things you ever had
The summer shone, beat down on bony backs
So far from home, where
the ocean stood
Down dust and
pine cone tracks

Hot sand on toes, cold sand in sleeping bags
I’ve come to know the friends around you
Are all you’ll ever have
Smoke in my lungs, the echoed stone
Careless and young, free as the birds that fly
With weightless souls


Brand Strategy & Graphic Design
Copywriting & Digital Marketing
Photography & Photo Editing


Audible Brand Campaign